COVID-19: Our Commitment to Keeping You Safe
A message from Charles B. Simone, II, MD, FASTRO, FACRO, Chief Medical Officer and Jonathan Weinbach, Chief Executive Officer
Keeping You Safe
The health and safety of our patients, staff and visitors to the New York Proton Center remain our top priority. Although the pandemic has greatly improved both globally and in the New York region, we continue to follow guidance from the CDC and state and federal health officials to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Effective March 29, 2023, adult patients may bring two adult visitors to the center. Pediatric patients may have three visitors. This can be three adult visitors or two adults and one child per day.
Additional Precautions for Patients & Staff
All patients and their visitors must complete a daily COVID-19 screening questionnaire. Anyone identified as potentially sick with a viral infection or anyone answering ‘yes’ to any of our screening questions will receive further assessment by our staff.
Patients also have the option of having their consultation and follow-up visits through video calls (telemedicine).
Any employee with COVID-19 symptoms must stay home.
Heightened Disinfection Practices
Our housekeeping team performs thorough alcohol-based cleaning and sanitizing of all public areas within the facility frequently throughout the day.
Treatment rooms, exam rooms, and changing rooms are cleaned and fully sanitized after every patient.
We will continue to do everything we can to ensure the New York Proton Center remains one of the safest places a person could visit. We continue to maintain the highest possible level of infection control procedures that are more rigid than those required by other health organizations. We want you to be comfortable in that knowledge when you visit us for your care.
Precautionary Measures
We continue to take the following precautionary measures for everyone’s safety:
- All staff and patients are required to wear a mask while in the facility.
- Appropriate social distancing is required throughout the building.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers are available throughout the building.
If you have any questions about the safety of your treatment within the context of our recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, please reach out to us.